
觸控戰爭 Tactile Wars v1.6.1 修改版

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發佈時間: 2016-8-4 03:30


replyreload += ',' + 2046297; 更新內容Boss update: •You can now build your own Bosses in the workshop and put them in defensive positions in your territory to defend your bases. •Every day, challenge the best Bosses of the day to receive rewards. Boss fights offer a whole new way of approaching combat. Each of them has specific moves and weapons, which you can upgrade. Will you be able to build an unfailing Boss? 特別說明破解:SKROO7 無限勳章 XPx9998877 解鎖所有關卡 下載地址(by koumkouat,symos)APK 所有站內附件皆會附上安全掃描報告請會員查看純淨度百分比後判斷使用(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});相關檔案須知:取得檔案前,請先詳細閱讀文章內容避免不必要錯誤與誤會發生。也可多參考文章討論樓層內容了解附件檔案相關討論資訊。 【此文章部分內容隱藏中】    解除隱藏說明教學點擊下方 繼續閱讀文章 後請仔細觀看文章內容 並依照指示進行下一步最後完成解除隱藏後系統會回到此文章自動顯示隱藏內容~繼續閱讀 replyreload += ',' + 2046297;


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