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Perfected combo logic, however you need a brain for it to function perfectly. If you have your ult ready then you need to manually get 2 stacks before you engage on your enemy for it to use the combo to perfection, if your ult is on cd then you need to get 3 stacks for it to combo to perfection. If you just press space bar it will still use the logic however your spells will be on cd for a few seconds in between. A good example is if you are level 4 and you have no stacks and all in the enemy you will use 3 spells and then be on cd for 2 seconds and then you will combo as normal, however if you are level 4 and you engage on the enemy already having 3 stacks you can use about 7-8 spells before hitting a cd. brain.lua is important when using any script and also champion knowledge, if you don't know how his passive and stacks work you prolly shouldn't play him.
The hit chance slider since you guys don't seem to understand is as follows, if you set it to 0 given their are no minion between you and your target it will basically cast q if in range and in the general direction of the enemy, if its set to 10 then it will not cast q until the prediction is 100% sure it will hit the enemy ie you prolly will rarely cast it. With the latest update the q when using spacebar does not use hitchance or minion collision detection as to get the best combo we need it to cast regardless of if it will hit the enemy to get the proper rotation cd, the q with prediction will still be used in harass and laneclear.