優化 更新
From 2.0.3ish:
- This is based off the latest release I had before the GitHub was disabled.
-- I'm calling it ish because the changes are still minor
- Dependency/Reference Hell fixed... it should be easier for new developers to get started. Make sure you still have NuGET.
- Update to latest RocketAPI
- Fixed bugs
- New DLL Magic
-- Mostly whack-a-mole with AV companies flagging the DLL as HackTool and giving other bots that use our DLL the opportunity to suck up to us.
- Added better Maintenance logic
- Added JsonIgnore tag to unneeded field
- Changed default snipe settings to false
- Change default for Mapzen API to false
From 2.0.2:
-Changed the human pathing api to our own routing server.
-Fuzzing added to speed and angle of movement.
-Added DebugEvent calls.
-Added Altitude updating utilizing the Mapzen API (you need to get your own free API key from them)
-Added feedback for ball throws.
-Addressed a bug where pokestops would print EncounterAlreadyHappened repeatedly after you catch a lure pokemon.
-Addressed a bug where the bot would not catch lured pokemon.
-Translation fixes as always.
-Added warnings for when it is suspected you are banned.
-Addressed a bug where GPX Pathing was not sending position data.
-Added encounter status for Pokemon Fled.
-Standardized MapCache to use UTC time instead of local time for edge cases.
-Improved Transfer list readability.
-Fix for login spam on exception.
-Error catching for human pathing in case servers explode.
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