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DreamDota v12 cracked !

cso ( Lv.30 大天使 ) 發表於 2010-11-13 05:38:39 | 只看該作者 回覆獎勵 |升序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
This hack work only for garena !

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Features :

  1. - Press Pause to turn on / off all functions.

  2. - Hotkey to toggle score board on / off (hotkey: tab)

  3. - Shows hero damage taken / healing value over unit with different colors:
  4. white - enemy hero takes physical damage
  5. yellow - enemy hero takes critical / spell damage
  6. red - your own hero takes damage
  7. (toggle feature on/off with hotkey: Home)

  8. - Shows your hero's attack range while holding key
  9. (hotkey: ~)

  10. - Camera feature
  11. Increase camera distance: hotkey "-" on numpad, max 3000
  12. Decrease camera distance: hotkey "+" on numpad, min 1650
  13. Change angle of attack between normal and vertical: hotkey "*" on numpad

  14. - Unit model improvement:
  15. slightly modified several hero's 3d model for easier selection / targeting
  16. they are : Venomancer, Atropos, Rooftrellen

  17. - Detection of other player maphack clicking not visible item / rune
  18. - Detection of other player exchange gold using maphack
  19. You can define custom key for last hit and score board toggle.
  20. By default: 256 (tilde) for last hit, and 515 (tab) for score board.
  21. For further informations about key value, please visit:
  22. http://www.dreamdota.com/web/2010/05...pping/?lang=en

  23. * Auto last hit / deny hit (default hotkey "~") *

  24. Hold down the key to use auto hit, release it to move freely.
  25. Ranged hero only hits targets in its range, melee hero will auto move and hits units within 700 range.
  26. Your hero will also last hit towers and neutral creeps

  27. Extra functions while holding down the key:
  28. - when an enemy hero enters your attack range, your hero will automatically
  29. attack it, but last hit action has higher priority.
  30. - if your hero is going to be attacked by creep units, it will try to distract their attack
  31. using attack command on a friendly unit for very short time.

  32. * Auto avoiding spells *
  33. Hotkey to set avoid spell on/off:
  34. select an enemy hero, then press F5 to set on / off to avoid this hero's spell.
  35. This only affects the selected one hero, meaning if there are pudge and mirana
  36. Select pudge and press F5 = don't avoid pudge hook, but still avoid mirana's arrow.
  37. Select and press F5 again to turn it on.

  38. Area Spells:
  39. - Pudge meat hook
  40. - PotM arrow
  41. - Windrunner arrow
  42. - kunnka torrent
  43. Your hero will move to avoid these spells.

  44. - use Kelen's Dagger to avoid Tidehunter's ulti skill if available

  45. Targeted spells:
  46. - tinker missile
  47. - witch doctor paralyzing cask
  48. - sniper assassinate
  49. - siren ensnare
  50. - bounty hunter shuriken
  51. - Vengeful spirit (Magic missile)
  52. - Viper (Viper strike)
  53. - Skeleton king (Hellfire blast)
  54. - Alchemist (Unstable concotion)

  55. Your hero will use skills that can enter magic immune mode or become invisible.
  56. also blink, dagger, bkb, lothar could be used.

  57. there will be more in the future !

  58. * "Instant kill" notification *
  59. If an enemy hero can be killed by your hero's ultimate skill or item,
  60. this hero will change color, depending on what hero you are using.
  61. Axe: if enemy hero can be killed by Culling blade, it becomes Red.
  62. Necrolyte: if enemy hero can be killed by Reaper's scythe, it becomes Green.
  63. Zeus: if enemy hero can be killed by Thundergod's wrath, it becomes Blue.
  64. Dagon: if your hero carries dagon, enemy hero that can be killed by it, become Golden.
  65. - Auto "instant kill": if you are using Zeus and an enemy hero can be killed by Thundergod's wrath,
  66. the spell will be used automatically if possible.

  67. * Improved cast range *
  68. Faceless void: now if you cast time walk to a location that is farther than spell effect range,
  69. the hero will use time walk immediately toward the direction for maximum distance.
  70. (Similar to blink toward somewhere very far). Previously the hero would first run there
  71. until close enough, then cast the spell.

  72. Morphling: using waveform to location far away, the hero will use waveform immediately
  73. toward the direction for maximum distance.
  74. * Map hacking *
  75. unlike many maphacks, these functions are simple but safe and undetectable.
  76. Both are default off, you can turn on with key End

  77. - Shows enemy hero location on minimap with ping signal
  78. with red or player color depending on ally filter setting
  79. - Rune spawn message
  80. reports location and type of rune when spawned
  81. * Micro improvements *
  82. improves user's action and gameplay.

  83. - Spectre's advanced routing:
  84. when Spectre enters no-collision mode, its move action will be reinterpreted
  85. as a straight path toward destination.

  86. - Pandaren Brewmaster's auto usage of spells:
  87. when your brewmaster uses ultimate skill, the Earth panda will automatically
  88. throw bolt to stun an enemy hero (best target) in its spell range.
  89. Storm panda will cyclone another (stronger one) enemy hero.

  90. - Storm spirit(raijin) combo:
  91. after each spell cast, your storm spirit attacks a best target (enemy hero) within range
  92. this will make best usage of 3rd skill ( overloading)

  93. - Shadow shaman's serpent ward surrounding:
  94. when you cast its ulti skill: serpent ward to location that is very close to an enemy hero,
  95. the action will be adjusted and there is high chance to surround the target directly with wards.

  96. - Advanced 4-units surrounding:
  97. whenever you control at least 4 units that have collisions, select them and
  98. keep using "(M)ove" command rapidly on an enemy unit, just the same as the common surrounding micro,
  99. your each unit goes to the right position and surrounds the target.


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