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Hotkeys 熱鍵
- All hotkeys work in-game only. Hack is inactive at menu.
- F1 - Toggle Triggerbot. (Shift-F1 to disable). Hold ALT to temporarily activate triggerbot. *Updated*
- PgUp/PgDown - Changes triggerbot delay. Holding shift changes it faster. Default is 10ms. *New*
- F2 - Toggles slow aim.
- F6 - Cycle Glow: Enemy Only, Enemy and Friendly, None.
- F7 - Cycle Recoil Control: Low, High, Off. (Shift-F7 to disable).
- F8 - Toggles Aim-Dot. (Shift-F8 to adjust size) *Updated*
- F9 - Toggles Barrel-ESP.
- F11 - Toggle bunny hop. Hold jump to use.*Updated*
- DEL - Unload hack.