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郭嘉合 ( Lv.10 見習生 ) 發表於 2012-1-20 19:32:18 | 只看該作者 回覆獎勵 |升序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
FBI charges Megaupload operators with piracy crimes   

Kim Schmitz, aka Kimble, is the founder of Megaupload, an online file storage service accused of massive piracy.

(Credit: 3News in New Zealand)

2012-1-20 07:30 PM 上傳
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The FBI has busted the alleged operators of Internet locker service Megaupload, which had become one of the most popular video destinations on the Web, according to a statement from the U.S. Justice Department.
Seven people have been named in an indictment and four suspects have been taken into custody, according to a statement issued by the Justice Department. They have been charged in Virginia with crimes related to online piracy, including racketeering conspiracy, conspiring to commit copyright infringement, and conspiring to commit money laundering.
According to the Justice Department, the indictment alleges that Megaupload is led by Kim Dotcom, aka Kim Schmitz, a German with a colorful history who was once convicted of a felony but he has repeatedly denied engaging in piracy.
DotCom and three others were arrested in Auckland, New Zealand by New Zealand police, who "who executed provisional arrest warrants requested by the United States," the Justice Department.
Along with Dotcom, Kim Tim Jim Vestor, 37, a resident of Hong Kong and New Zealand was also arrested. Authorities say that Dotcom founded Megaupload and is the director and sole shareholder of Vestor Limited, which has been used to hold his ownership interests in the Mega-affiliated sites.
"This action is among the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States," the Justice department said in a statement. The arrests "directly targets the misuse of a public content storage and distribution site to commit and facilitate intellectual property crime."
In August, CNET profiled Dotcom after he was sued by a porn studio for copyright violations and after film industry sources told me that Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) had complained to law enforcement officials numerous times that Megaupload was getting rich by helping millions of people store and distribute pirated films and TV shows.

vr-zone來源:馳名全球網路的檔案分享服務空間,在昨日遭FBI (美國聯邦調查局)強制關閉。
Megaupload是個多數網路用戶耳熟能詳的分享空間,在2005年成立至今,曾一度成為全球第十三受歡迎的網站。而在今日也因為大量的侵犯著作權內容而遭到美國聯邦調查局關站。美國聯邦檢察官表示,Megaupload公司的著作權侵害已造成版權持有者高達5億美元的損失而遭到起訴。兩項國會提案要求制止Megaupload對於電影與電視節目的版權侵害,此起訴書也在今日公開。同時,Rap音樂製作人Swizz Beatz竟也被揭露其不知何等原因身為Megaupload公司執行總裁之事。
在最近反SOPA抗議活動 (anti Stop Online Piracy Act 反網路盜版禁止法令)鬧得沸騰當時,這些動作都不禁讓人感到事件將會越演越烈的氣氛。


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