破碎的像素地牢(Shattered Pixel Dungeon)是一款RougeLike類RPG遊戲,以像素風,多樣性和高復玩性為特色。每次遊戲的歷程都獨一無二,它擁有四個可選人物,隨機生成的關卡和敵人,超過150種可供收集和使用的道具。遊戲淺顯易上手,卻有著深層次的樂趣,想通關遊戲則還需要高明的策略。破碎的像素地牢 Shattered Pixel Dungeon 修改版|應用大小:4.9M
應用作者:Shattered Pixel
更新內容Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been updated!
This update adjusts the balance on a number of items.
Wands are more useful, armor is more important, and many other items have been adjusted for better balance.
There are also some convenience improvements, such as keys no longer occupying inventory space.
下載地址(Thanks to symos,14white14)APK
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