GameGuardian 修改器皆使用 "Byte" 數值搜索
All search using Byte.
1. Go to equip skills.
2. Choose character, press next.
3. On the char portrait there's [+], select that.
4. On the char page, click heart / favourite.
5. GG, search for 100 (byte).
6. Back to char, deselect fav.
7. GG, search for 101.
8. Keep on going until you found one.
9. If you have 2, then the one ending with 0 is the correct address. (Fav address)
10. Save that address (floppy disk) icon.
11. Go to saved list, tick the address, press the hamburger menu on toolbar (last on the right).
12. Select move address (bottom selection).
+10 level
13. enter -60, tick copy.
14. repeat 12 on (fav address), -64, tick copy.
15. on the -64 address, edit byte to "Ah", use hex.
16. on the -60 address, edit byte to "00", use hex or not doesn't matter.
17. go back to equip screen, and equip or unequip a skill.
18. server update, PROFIT.
19. Go to saved list, tick both -64 and -60 addresses.
20. Move address and enter -10.
21. On the -74 address, edit byte to 05.
22. On the -70 address, edit byte to 00.
23. repeat 17 - 18, PROFIT.
1. You gotta do this on the char page before skill equip.
2. -60 address + 8 is the level, just change this to "01h" hex, then go to title menu and back to reset your char to lv1.
Now use our collective knowledge to find character ID and we can change the char to anything we want.
Use this cheat sparingly as you know you'll either get banned OR it'll get patched.
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