拒絕付費,拒絕付費,拒絕付費- R = 6
- E = 0
- P = 0
- switch=1
- EnablePrimaryMouseButtonEvents(true);
- function OnEvent(event, arg)
- OutputLogMessage("Event: "..event.." Arg: "..arg.."\n")
- if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 6) then
- if (switch==0) then
- switch=1
- else
- switch=0
- end
- end
- if (IsMouseButtonPressed(3)) then
- if (arg == 1 and switch == 1) then
- MoveMouseRelative(0,P)
- repeat
- Sleep(10)
- MoveMouseRelative(-R,R)
- Sleep(10)
- MoveMouseRelative(R,R)
- Sleep(10)
- MoveMouseRelative(R,-R)
- Sleep(10)
- MoveMouseRelative(-R,-R)
- Sleep(10)
- MoveMouseRelative(0,E)
- until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1)
- end
- end
- end
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