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Sosygorge ( Lv.00 違規者 ) 發表於 2011-8-20 07:53:40 | 只看該作者 回覆獎勵 |降序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Orlistat, also known as tetrahydrolipstatin (THL), is a medicament old to premium tubbiness in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet. The anti-obesity pharmaceutical is used as a medical benefit to consume weight (strain disadvantage) and to maintain that importance afterwards (weight subsistence). It is classified within the panacea rank called lipase inhibitors, where lipase is produced primarily in the pancreas. Orlistat is a crystalline power that is whitish in color. Chemically, it is the saturated imitative of lipstatin, which is isolated from Streptomyces toxytricini. The pragmatic chemical procedure after orlistat is C29H53NO5.  
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The narcotic orlistat was approved by the U.S. Subsistence and Medicament Regulation (FDA) in 1999 for turn to account within the United States. It was recommended for the benefit of corpulent people with a body accumulation needle (BMI) of more than 30 kilograms per honourable meters. It was also recommended when peoples’ BMI was between 27 and 30 kilograms per equitable meters and other heath considerations such as high blood power, exalted blood cholesterol, or diabetes were adverse to their lives. Medical studies, which paralleled antecedent conclusions, performed ahead orlistat was approved nigh the FDA bring about that when taken for six months, adults lost 12.4 to 13.4 pounds on average. Orlistat is marketed less than the preparation prestige Xenical® and the over-the-counter popularity alli®.  
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Orlistat prevents the digestion and absorption of dietary fats into the bloodstream so that, as opposed to, they pass be means of bowel movements within the feces. Therefore, they slenderize the amount of calories that fit into the tender body. It is time after time euphemistic pre-owned within a physician-supervised fare aim in the course of fleshy people and as a preservation design in behalf of at one time fleshy people after they hold lost weight. It is also occupied towards people desiring to overcome cross when they be subjected to such illnesses as diabetes, foremost cholesterol, middle disease, or drugged blood pressure.  
Anorexia nervosa—An eating disorder involving enervated portion impact, distorted ikon of equal’s body, and fear of gaining weight.  
Bulimia—An eating fuss that involves cycles of overeating and undereating.  
Cardiovascular contagion—Diseases that accept to do with the focus and blood vessels (veins and arteries).  
Gastrointestinal—Relating to the stomach and intestines.  
Hypertension—Contagion of the arteries that inveterately indicate high blood pressure.  
Immunosuppressant—Terminating of the insusceptible system.  
Lipase—An enzyme produced from the pancreas that breaks down fats.  
Inside the forgiving body, orlistat diminishes the direction of pancreatic lipase, which is an enzyme that decomposes triglycerides within the intestines. When pancreatic lipase is not present, triglycerides which are ingested within foods, are stopped from being hydrolyzed into gratis fatty acids.  They are, rather than, excreted by way of bowel movements within feces without being digested. Orlistat, itself, is on the contrary measure absorbed into the body. Most of it is enchanted into the gastrointestinal tract and eventually removed through the feces.  
Orlistat was introduced into the marketplace on the whole because of the increasing number of overweight or obese people in the Coalesced States and other countries hither the world. According to the Chauvinistic Institutes of Health (NIH), as of 2007, give 65% of all U.S. adults are overweight or obese. NIH scientists have shown that being overweight or obese can lead to increased risk of developing health issues such as intoxicated blood albatross, fundamentals disorder, arterial ailment, and type-2 diabetes. According to the World Health Conglomerate (WHO), upwards story billion adults are overweight in the wonderful, and at least 300 million of them are considered obese.  
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